
Breast Fat Transfer Gallery

Age: 47
2-Years Post Op

Before After
She was concerned with deformities related to tissue loss from a previous breast reduction by another surgeon. She was also concerned with skin and muscle laxity of her waist. She is shown after a tummy tuck with muscle plication and liposuction of 1750cc of fat from her waist with fat transfer to her breasts. She also underwent areolar/nipple tattoos

Age: 25
6-Months Post Op

Before After

Wished for larger and more symmetrical breasts without implants.  She also struggled with adiposity of her midsection despite diet and exercise. A total of 3200cc of fat was removed from her waist with liposuction and a portion was placed in her breasts.  She is very pleased with her more symmetric and natural shaped breasts as well as her hour-glass waist.

Age: 32
6-Months Post Op

Before After

Wished for larger and more symmetrical breasts without implants.  She also struggled with adiposity of her midsection despite diet and exercise. A total of 3200cc of fat was removed from her waist with liposuction and a portion was placed in her breasts.  She is very pleased with her more symmetric and natural shaped breasts as well as her hour-glass waist.

Age: 32
4-Months Post Op

Before After

She wished to have her pre-pregnancy shape returned. She did not want implants, but she wished to have volume added to her breasts and a correction of symmetry due to a smaller right breast relative to the left. She is shown after a tummy tuck with muscle plication and liposuction of 1 liter of fat from her waist. A portion of this fat was transferred to her breasts resulting in an increase in volume and improved symmetry.

Webb Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Med Spa