Facelift & Necklift

Age: 45
6-Months Post Op

Before After

She wished to address skin laxity of her face and neck. She is shown following a face and neck lift resulting in a more youthful appearance with a defined jawline.

Age: 63
4-Months Post Op

Before After
She wished to address the effects of aging and gravity to her lower face and neck.  She is shown refreshed after a face and neck lift with liposuction of her submental region.

Age: 61
4-Months Post Op

Before After

Desiring a rejuvenated appearance but wished to keep her scars as short as possible. Short scar face lift, lower lid blepharoplasty, and chemical peel.

Age: 64
4-Months Post Op

Before After

that desired an improvement in her neck and jawline as well as an improvement to her ‘tired’ eyes. Procedure: Face/Neck lift with upper and lower eyelid rejuvenation.

Age: 68
1-Year Post Op

Before After

that desired an improvement to her neck and jawline after losing 100 lbs by diet and exercise. Procedure: Face/Neck lift with upper and lower eyelid rejuvenation.

Age: 73
2-Months Post Op



She was mostly concerned about jowling of her lower face and severe neck bands. She also stressed the importance of not looking ‘like she had a facelift’. She is two months post op from a face and neck lift which shows improvement in all areas of concern.

Age: 52
3-Months Post Op



She felt that she looked older than she felt and came for Dr. Webb’s opinion on the best procedure to help her her achieve her goal. She underwent a full facelift with and upward lifting of her deeper tissues without placing tension on her skin. She also had fat transfer to several areas of her face and a facial laser resurfacing to alleviate dark spots. She is very happy with her more youthful and natural appearance.

Age: 46
6-Months Post Op



46 year old who was mostly concerned with skin laxity of the lower face and neck following weight loss. A lower face and neck lift.