Murfreesboro’s Premier Breast Augmentation Facility

We are so thankful you contacted us to help you in your plastic surgery journey. While the term breast implant illness is currently not an official medical diagnosis, it has become synonymous with certain inflammatory symptoms that may or may not be the result of, or exacerbated by, having breast implants. There is currently no way to diagnose breast implant illness or even a medical code for it.

However, due to recent changes in regulations from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the FDA, Dr. Webb is no longer offering breast augmentation surgery for first time implant patients. We will never be the office that values income over risk.

Therefore, we are still performing breast implant exchanges and removals and fat grafting to the breast with liposuction. Oftentimes, patients find that lifting the breast tissue they naturally have will give them a fuller look without the need for implants. We also offer fat transfer to the breast as an alternative. This is a great procedure for those who want to be a little larger in cup size or who want more fullness in certain areas all while losing some inches in other areas!

We Put Quality First

There has been a recent trend in plastic surgery to provide discounted breast augmentations in a cookie-cutter fashion. These procedures are done quickly to avoid extra expenditures in the operating room, allowing the surgeon to keep overhead low. Very little thought is spent determining what the patient actually wants. When performed properly, this procedure takes time in both the initial consultation process and the operating room.

You may be a candidate for breast augmentation surgery if:

Your Procedure is As Unique As You

At Webb Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro, we treat each patient as a distinct individual with specific wishes and unique anatomy. When you come in for a consultation, Dr. Webb will take the time to listen to what you wish to gain from the procedure. This attentiveness combined with his experience and your objective measurements will give you the best possible result for your anatomy. In your consultation, we will discuss our finest quality implants to establish the best type to suit your needs and frame. We also stay well versed in the most modern aspects of the procedure that allows for the best surgical technique for your anatomy. We also pay particular attention to technical issues that ensure your implants remain soft, supple, and natural looking for many years to come. To learn more about breast augmentation surgery, visit

Call Webb Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Today

Our Murfreesboro plastic surgery team is dedicated to providing all patients with a welcoming, upscale experience from the moment you walk through the doors. Dr. Webb has over a decade of experience in combining his artistic skill with technical prowess and helping people love their bodies and develop their self-confidence. Contact Dr. Webb to schedule a breast augmentation procedure today. Next, read about breast lift procedures.

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