Murfreesboro’s Bra Line Back Lift

Bra Line Back Lift Procedures Middle Tennessee

Feel Confident Showing Off Your Back

The bra line back lift is a cutting-edge procedure designed to improve the shape and contour of the upper and middle back. The excess skin and fat that bunches over the bra strap is an area of concern for many women.

Despite proper diet and exercise, back rolls and excess soft-tissue laxity of the upper and middle back tend to be difficult to get rid of. With the bra line back lift, excess tissue is removed resulting in a smooth, tight back.

The final scar of the bra line back lift is hidden in the region covered by the bra strap or bikini top. If your upper back region is limiting you from wearing form-fitting clothes or impacting your confidence while wearing bathing suits, the bra line back lift may be the appropriate procedure for you.

Consider a bra line back lift procedure if you:

  • Have rolls above or below where your bra sits on your back
  • Cannot get rid of back rolls despite exercise
  • Have sagging skin on your back due to aging or weight loss
Schedule your consultation today.
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