Murfreesboro’s Neck Lift

Facial Procedures Middle Tennessee

Reshape Your Profile

As you age, loose skin can collect in the neck area, resulting in a saggy, fleshy appearance that can make you feel self-conscious. A neck lift, also known as a cervicoplasty, can correct this laxity and give you a dramatic, more youthful change in appearance. Especially when viewed in profile, one’s jawline and overall appearance can look many years younger. At Webb Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, our extensive training and experience affords us many options depending upon your individual anatomy. These options range from adjunctive liposuction to full facelifting, depending on the severity of defects. Occasionally, a chin implant may be needed for those whose true underlying problem is not due to their neck but rather from a “weak” chin.

A neck lift is best for those who want:

  • A strong neck and jawline
  • Less fat or sagging skin under chin
  • Overall youthful appearance

Natural, Lasting Results

During your consultation with Dr. Webb, all options will be discussed in great detail so you will feel well informed about your procedure and the specific aspects of your anatomy that will be addressed. As with all surgeries, we strive to provide a dramatic result without giving a patient an “operated on” appearance. Our focus is not merely on skin removal. We address the true anatomical irregularity by addressing the underlying muscles. This allows a more sustained result, and the scars fade to thin white lines since all incisions are closed under no tension.
Schedule your consultation today.
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